Human-Machine Grammar Dictionary

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A word about word types

There are six types of speech interface grammar words: object, action, modifier, phrase mode, next word mode, and after-the-fact phrase mode.

Objects select or indicate text, a program element, a file, a folder, or a program. (Examples: "Line", "Menu", and the program name "Firefox")
Actions carry out functions like formatting, copying, deleting, and opening. (Examples: "Copy", "Bold")
Modifiers qualify or quantify movements, objects or actions. (Examples: "Short", "Long", "1-10")
Phrase indicate a special mode for the duration of a command or phrase. (Examples: "Caps", "Number")
Next word mode words indicate a special mode for the duration of a command or phrase. (Examples: "Caps", "Number")
After-the-fact phrase mode words change the last phrase. (Example: "Add")

The words

All object, action, modifier, phrase mode, next word mode and after-the-fact modifier words appear in an alphabetical list of UC words, a list of colors, numbers, and variable lists of words that depend on the system or programs in use, and a list of names for keyboard keys.

The words that are black in these lists are used by Utter Command; the words that appear red are not.

The full dictionary of Human-Machine Grammar words, which includes examples of uses, is below.

Important: The words that appear in these lists are command words. Commands usually contain two or more command words. Very few individual command words can be used as stand-alone commands.

Dictionary of command words

Human-Machine Grammar words are listed alphabetically. After the alphabetical sections are special sections for colors and numbers.

  • Command words begin an entry and are bold.
  • Command words that appear in the current version of the UC speech interface for NaturallySpeaking from Redstart systems are black. Some, but not necessarily all of the command examples that appear under the black entries are in the current version of UC. Command words that are not in the current version of the UC speech interface are red. You'll see many of these in subsequent versions of UC.
  • Linked words in the "See Also" sections are indigo if they have an opposite meaning from the entry.
Each entry contains examples. Within an entry, the first one or more examples show uses of just the command entry in question. Later examples may combine the entry with another command to form a longer, more efficient command. In terms of use, it is important to practice the basic examples first, then move on to the longer commands only after the basic ones have become easy. (This is akin to learning to juggle using two balls before adding a third.)

Intro    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z    Numbers    Colors

- Kim Patch, 2006

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