Human-Machine Grammar Dictionary - B

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Back (action) 1. indicates that selected text should be moved to the left of the cursor. Examples: "Line 3 Back, "Word 3 Back" 2. rewinds audio or video. Examples: "50 Back" rewinds a number of units. See Also Forward

Before 1. (action) moves the cursor a number of words to the left of the cursor. Example: "3 Before" moves the cursor left three words 2. (action) puts the cursor at the beginning of an object. Examples: "Word Before"; "3 Before" moves the cursor three words to the right 3. (phrase mode) inserts the cursor directly in front of a given word, or phrase. In NaturallySpeaking, this replaces the command "Insert Before." Examples: "Before puts the cursor". See Also: After, In Before, In After

Befores (object) words to the left of the cursor; selects words. Plural even if only one word is being selected. Examples: "3 Befores"; "1 Befores Delete"; "4 4 Befores Cut"; "4 Befores Arial Blue". See Also: Afters, Letters, Rights, Ups, Downs, Lines, Line Ups, Sentences, Graphs, 1-100

Big (action) sizes a window or dialog box at three-quarters the screen size. Examples: "Open Big"; "My Documents Big". See Also: Window, Small, Medium, Tall, Wide, Very Small, Very Big, Very Tall, Very Wide

Bottom (object) 1. puts the cursor at the bottom of a window like a document. Example: "Go Bottom"; "Top Wait Bottom" goes to the top of a file, pauses one second then goes to the bottom of the file 2. selects from the cursor to the end of an object. Examples: "Line Bottom"; "Document Bottom" See Also: Top, Home, End, Short

Box (modifier) brings up the dialog box of the user's choice in the current program. Takes only as many words of the dialog box name as needed to avoid ambiguity. Also used for similar program elements like mailboxes in email programs. Dropped in longer combined commands. Examples: "Find Box"; "Options Box"; "In Box"

Brace (object) used in programming commands to distinguish between one-word commands and commands that type those words with braces around them. In addition, returns programming abbreviations where appropriate. Often dropped in combined commands. Examples: "Brace Enter" returns "{Enter}"



Break (action) pauses the microphone for a number of seconds or minutes and seconds. Examples: "5 Seconds Break" turns off the microphone for five seconds then turns it back on. "1 Minutes 10 (Seconds) Break" turns off the microphone for 1 minute 10 seconds, then turns it back on. See Also: Time, Hang On, Speech On, Speech Off, Microphone Off, Computer

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