Human-Machine Grammar Dictionary - W

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Wait (action) pauses a default amount of time, usually one or two seconds. Examples: "Enter Wait Repeat 2" presses enter, waits two seconds, then presses enter again; "3 Plus 5 Minus 1 Wait" shows arithmetic, then erases all but the answer after one second

Wait .1-.9, 1-10 (action) closes a menu or dialog box after a number of tenths of a second or seconds. Examples: "Enter Wait Point 5 Repeat 10" presses enter 10 times with a 5/10ths, or half-second wait between keystrokes; "Touch Wait 20 Repeat 10" presses enter 10 times with a 20-second wait between keystrokes

Wait Wait Wait (action) stops the current command from executing and empties the speech command buffer.

Web (object) refers to boilerplate HTML, XML or any other Web file format. Can be used with "Short"; "Long" and 1-100 to refer to different versions of or sets of templates. Examples: "Demo Web"; "Form Web Short"; "Form Web Long". See Also: Long, Short, Address, Code, Email, Graphic, List, Mix, Number, Picture, Spreadsheet, Sound, Table, Text, Template


Wide (action) sizes a window or dialog box to one-third the screen height and three-quarters screen width. Examples: "Open (Box) Wide"; " Wordpad Open (Box) My Documents Wide". See Also: Window, Small, Medium, Big, Tall, Very Small, Very Big, Very Tall, Very Wide

Win(dow) (object) 1. indicates the current window. Examples: "Window Close"; "Window 5 Point 5 Up" 2. indicates a window on the task bar. Examples: "Window 1"; "Window 2 Close". In all cases the longer form "Window" and the shorter form "Win" are interchangeable. See Also: Size, Win(dow) Right

Win(dow) Right (object) 1. indicates the current window. Examples: "Window Close"; "Window 5 Point 5 Up" 2. indicates a window on the task bar counting from the right. Examples: "Window 1"; "Window 2 Close". In all cases the longer form "Window" and the shorter form "Win" are interchangeable.
See Also: Size, Win(dow)

Word (object) indicates a word 1. used to select the single word nearest the cursor. Examples: "Word Blue"; "Word Delete" 2. moves the cursor in front of a word relative to its position in a document. Examples: "Word 20" moves the cursor to the beginning of the 20th word in a document 3. used with ordinal numbers to select a word by its position on the current line. Examples: "4th Word"; "2nd Word 1st Letter"; "Graph 3rd Word"; "2nd Line 1st Word 3 Words". See Also: Before, After, Letter, Line, Sentence, Graph, Screen, Page, 1-100, 1st-40th

Words (object) selects words to the left and right of the cursor. Examples: "4 3 Words" selects four words to the left and three words to the right of the cursor; "4 1 Words Cut". See Also: Afters, Befores, Letters, Lines, Sentences, Graphs, 1-100

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