Human-Machine Grammar Dictionary - P

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Page (object) indicates page of content -- note that this command, unlike the Page Down and Page Up keys, does not indicate a screen, but a document page 1. selects a page relative to its position in a document. Examples: "Page 10" moves the cursor to the beginning of the 10th page of a document. See Also Letter, Word, Line, Graph, Screen, 1-100 2. Moves the cursor by page (again, by document page rather than screen). Examples: "1 Page"; 3 Page". See Also: Screen

Pane (object) indicates a pane in a window. Examples: "Pane 1" moves the cursor to the next pane. "Pane Left 3" moves the cursor back three panes. "First Pane" moves the cursor to the first pane in a row. "Pane Down 3". See Also: Letter, Word, Line, Sentence, Graph, Cell


Paste (action) 1. pastes the contents of the clipboard. Keyboard Equivalent: "Control v". Examples: "This Paste"; "Space Paste"; "Down Home Paste"; "Paste Times 10" 2. pastes the contents of a file, including the UC Clipboard files. Examples: "3 Paste"; "Paste Alpha". See Also: Copy, Cut

Path (action) refers to a file path. Pastes the file paths and Internet addresses used in the "Folder"; "Save As" and "Site" commands. Examples: "My Documents Path"; "Google Path". See Also: Folder, Save As, Site

Pause (action) pauses audio. Example: "Media Pause" hits the pause button on the default media player; "Pause 50" pauses whatever is playing, then goes to the middle of the clip (remaining paused). See Also: Play, Stop

Phrase (object) refers to a group of dictation words spoken in one utterance. Examples: "This Phrase"; "Phrase Delete".

Picture (object) refers to boilerplate pictures. Can be used with "Short"; "Long" and 1-100 to refer to different versions of pictures such as cropped vs. uncut, or different takes, or sets of similar pictures. Examples: "Demo Picture"; "Greek Fountain Picture 1"; "Greek Fountain Picture 2". See Also: Long, Short, Address, Code, Email, Graphic, List, Mix, Number, Spreadsheet, Sound, Table, Template, Text, Web

Play (action) plays audio 1. Plays back speech input. Examples: "This Play" plays back selected text using a speech synthesizer; "2 Lines Play" 2. Controls the play function on programs with audio functions. Example: "Media Play" hits the play button on the default media player; "50 Play" plays an audio or video segment starting from the middle of the clip. See Also: Pause, Stop

Print (action) invokes a program's print function. Examples: "Print Box" opens the print dialog box; "Print Now" prints entire document; "Print 1 3" opens the print dialog box and puts one and three in the page number choices; "Print 1 3 Now" opens the print dialog box, puts one and three in the page number choices, and hits OK to print; "Print 3 Through 10"; "Print Odd"; "Print Landscape" opens the print dialog box and clicks the landscape orientation; "Print Landscape Now". See Also: Find, Now

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