Human-Machine Grammar Dictionary - A

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Across 1. (action) indicates that elements like windows should be arranged horizontally. Example: "Window 1 2 Across" 2. (object) refers to horizontal scroll bar. Places the horizontal scroll bar using a scale of 1 to 100. Examples: "Across 50" scrolls to the middle of the horizontal scrollbar; "Mouse Across 10" places the mouse arrow near the beginning of the horizontal scrollbar 3. Scrolls a number of units in one direction along a horizontal scroll bar. Examples: "Across 6 Left"; "Across 30 Right" 4. Begins scrolling the cursor horizontally in a given direction. "Across Left"; "Across Right"; "Across Stop" See Also Scroll

Add (after-the-fact modifier) Literally indicates the last phrase. Examples: "Add Caps"; "Add Bold" See Also Change <any words>

Add to (action) used in the UC Clipboard commands ("1-20 File") to add to instead of replace text. Examples: "Add to 2"; "Line add to 5"

Address (object) refers to boilerplate addresses. Can be used with "Short"; "Long" and 1-10 to provide different versions of addresses, including Web addresses. Example: "Home Address"; "Home Address Short"; "Business Address 1"; "Business Address 2"; "Address 1". See Also: Long, Short, Code, Email, Graphic, List, Mix, Number, Picture, Spreadsheet, Sound, Table, Template, Text, Web

After 1. (action) moves a number of words to the right of the cursor. Example: "3 After" moves the cursor right three words 2. (action) puts the cursor at the end of an object. Example: "Document After"; "Graph After"; "Word After"; "Font After" puts the cursor after the first of a pair of Font tags rather than the default of between the quotes inside the first tag of the pair 3. (phrase mode) inserts the cursor directly after a word or phrase. This wording replaces the NaturallySpeaking command "Insert After." Example: "After at the end". See Also: Before, In Before, In After

Afters (object) words to the right of the cursor; selects words. Plural even if only one word is being selected. Examples: "3 Afters"; "1 Afters Delete"; "4 4 Afters Cut"; "4 Afters Arial Blue". See Also: Lefts, Rights, Befores, Ups, Downs, Lines, Line Ups, Sentences, Graphs, 1-100.

Again 1-10 (action) used only after phrase mode selection and cursor placement commands. Puts the cursor to the nth instance indicated by the last command to the right of the cursor. Example: saying "Again 3" after the command "Words used" finds the third instance of "used" after the cursor position. See Also: After, Before, Words, Again 1-10 Left

Again 1-10 Left (action) used only after phrase mode selection and cursor placement commands. Puts the cursor to the nth instance indicated by the last command to the left of the cursor. Example: "Again 3 Left". See Also After, Before, Words, Again 1-10

All (Select) 1. (object) refers to all the content in the current document that can be selected. Shortened to "All" in combined commands. Examples: "All Select"; "All Copy"; "All Paste"; "All Mail <any nickname>" pastes the contents of the current file into an email message to a specific recipient. See Also This 2. (object) refers to all program windows on a desktop. Examples: "All minimize"; "All maximize"; "All Close" 3. (modifier) refers to all the homophones of a given word. Always followed by "Long" or "Short". Examples: "pair All Long", "to All Long". See Also Long All, Short All

All Caps (phrase mode) capitalizes all the letters in a word or phrase. Example: "All Caps very big tiger" types VERY BIG TIGER. See Also: Cap, Caps

Align (action) changes the position relative to the left or right margin. Examples: "Right Align ; "Left Align"; "Line Left Align". See Also: Justify, Center


Another (Line) (action) puts the cursor at the beginning of a new line below the initial cursor position. Keyboard Equivalent: End Enter. Shortened to "Another" in combined commands. Examples: "Another Line"; "Another Paste"; "Down Another". See Also Insert (Line)

Another Graph (action) puts the cursor at the beginning of a new paragraph below the initial cursor position. Keyboard Equivalent: End Enter Enter. Example: "Another Graph". See Also Insert Graph

Answer (modifier) indicates the result of a calculation. Example: "4 Times 4 Answer" returns "16". See Also: Equals, Wait Answer

<any characters, words or formatting> All Replace With <any characters, words or formatting> (action) replaces all the instances in the current document of the first user-supplied entry of any characters, words, or formatting with the second user-supplied entry. "Nothing" can be used as the second entry in order to delete all instances of the first entry. "Paste" and "1-10 Paste" (UC Clipboard files 1-10) can be used to replace text with the contents of the clipboard or a UC Clipboard file. Examples: "4 All Replace With 5"; "Bold All Replace With Italic", "Size 10 All Replace With 12", "Placeholder All Replace With Nothing"; "Ampersand Replace All With Paste"; "1 Paste All Replace With 2 Paste". See Also <any characters, words or formatting> Replace With...

<any characters, words or formatting> Replace With <any characters, words or formatting> (action) replaces the next instance to the right of the cursor of the first user-supplied entry of any characters or words with the second user-supplied entry. "Nothing" can be used as the second entry in order to delete the instance of the first entry. "Paste" and "1-10 Paste" (UC Clipboard files 1-10) can be used to replace text with the contents of the clipboard or a UC Clipboard file. Note that this command selects the next instance in a document regardless of whether that instance appears on screen. Examples: "4 Replace With 5"; "Placeholder Replace With Nothing"; "Ampersand Replace With Paste"; "Paste 1 Replace With Paste 2". See Also <any characters, words or formatting> All Replace With...

<any language name> (phrase mode) indicates that the current phrase should be rendered in a given language. Examples: "French how are you" returns "comment allez-vous"; "Spanish butterfly" returns "mariposa". See Also: Change <any language name>, Cap, Caps

<any program name> (object) refers to a program; commands preceded by a program name call up a program or invoke a program action when the program does not have focus. Examples: "Word Open"; "Word Recent 1"; "Wordpad <file name> File"; calls up WordPad open to a specific file; "Windows <folder name> Folder" calls up Windows Explorer open to a specific folder; "NatSpeak Advanced" calls up the Advanced menu item of the NatSpeak menu; "Media Stop" stops the Windows Media Player without the user having to put the focus on that program.

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