Human-Machine Grammar Dictionary - I

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In After (phrase mode) inserts the cursor immediately after the next instance in a document of a character or string of three characters, including "Space". Note that this command is similar to the "After" command that allows you to put the cursor after a word or phrase, but this command searches the entire document rather than just what is visible on the screen. Examples: "In After Tilde i" puts the cursor after the next instance of "~i" (this particular command is useful in jumping the cursor among the alphabet entries in this document); "In After e close Paren"; "In After t h Space". See Also: After, In Before, Spells

In Before (phrase mode) inserts the cursor immediately before the next instance in a document of a character or string of three characters, including "Space". Note that this command is similar to the "Before" command that allows you to put the cursor before a word or phrase, but this command searches the entire document rather than just what is visible on the screen. Examples: "In Before Tilde i" puts the cursor before the next instance of "~i"; "In Before Bravo close Paren"; "In Before t Space". See Also: Before, In After, Spells

Insert (Line) (action) puts the cursor at the beginning of a new line above the cursor. Keyboard Equivalent: Home Enter Up. Shortened to "Insert" in combined commands. Examples: "Insert Line"; "Insert Paste". See Also: Another (Line), New Line

Insert Graph (action) puts the cursor at the beginning of a new paragraph above the cursor. Keyboard Equivalent: Home Enter Enter Up Up. Example: "Insert Graph"; "Insert Graph Paste". See Also: Another Graph, New Graph, Next Graph, Last Graph

Isolate (action) adds a blank line above and below the cursor or an object. Examples: "Line Isolate"; "3 Graphs Isolate". See Also Join

Italic (action) italicizes the balance of the phrase. Example: "New York Times Italic" returns "New York Times"

Item (object) indicates a menu choice. Examples: "Item 5" selects and clicks on the fifth item in a menu

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