Human-Machine Grammar Dictionary - G

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Go (action) 1. places the cursor or arrow at a screen location, graphical item, or menu label. Dropped in combined commands. Examples: "Go Top"; "Go Bottom"; "Go Scroll" places the mouse on the scroll bar, "Go To" goes to the "To" field in a mail program 2. applies an action, often to a dialog box. Examples: "This Train Go"; "Print 1 3 Go" opens the print dialog box, puts one in three in the page number choices, and then hits OK to print. Note: commands that involve dialog boxes can be set to one of two defaults -- requiring "Go" to go on by hitting OK or an equivalent, or requiring "Stay" to not hit OK or an equivalent. See Also:After, Before, Open, New, Stay

Graph (Down) (object) indicates a paragraph 1. selects the single paragraph nearest the cursor. Examples: "This Graph"; "Graph Delete" 2. moves the cursor by paragraph relative to the original cursor position. Examples: "3 Graph" moves the cursor to the third paragraph below the original cursor position, "1 Graph" 3. selects a paragraph relative to its position in a document. Examples: "Graph 10" moves the cursor to the beginning of the 10th paragraph in a document 4. selects a paragraph relative to its position in the document. Examples: "4th Graph"; "2nd Graph 1st Letter"; "2nd Graph 1st Word 3 Words". See Also: Letter, Word, Line, Graph Up, Graph Space, 1-100, Another Graph, New Graph, Insert Graph, Graphs

Graphic (object) refers to boilerplate graphics. Can be used with "Short"; "Long" and 1-10 to provide different versions of a graphic. Example: " Graphic" See Also: Long, Short, Address, Code, Email, List, Mix, Number, Picture, Spreadsheet, Sound, Table, Template, Text, Web

Graphs (object) selects one or more paragraphs below the cursor. Plural even if only one paragraph is being selected. Examples: "3 Graphs"; "2 Graphs Before "; "1 2 Graphs Cut"; "4 Graphs Bold". See Also: Rights, Lefts, Befores, Afters, Downs, Ups, Lines, Line Ups, Sentences, Sentence Ups, Graph Ups, Layers, Layer Ups, 1-20

Graph Space (object) indicates a paragraph including the blank line below the paragraph 1. selects the single paragraph nearest the cursor. Examples: "This Graph Space"; "Graph Space Delete" 2. moves the cursor by paragraph relative to the original cursor position. Examples: "3 Graph Space" moves the cursor to the third paragraph below the original cursor position, "1 Graph Space" See Also: Graph Up, Graphs 3. selects a paragraph relative to its position in the document. Examples: "4th Graph Space " See Also: Letter, Word, Line, Graph, Graph Up, 1-100, Another Graph, New Graph, Insert Graph, Graphs

Graph Space Up (object) indicates paragraphs above the cursor, including blank lines between paragraphs; moves the cursor by paragraph relative to the original cursor position. Examples: "3 Graph Space Up" moves the cursor to the third paragraph above the original cursor position, "1 Graph Space Up" See Also: Graph, Graph Space, Graphs, Letter, Word, Sentence, Screen, Page, 1-20

Graph Space Ups (object) selects one or more paragraphs above the cursor, including the paragraph the cursor is in, and including spaces between paragraphs. Plural even if only one paragraph is being selected. Examples: "3 Graph Space Ups"; "2 Graph Space Ups Delete". See Also: Rights, Lefts, Befores, Afters, Downs, Ups, Lines, Line Ups, Sentences, Sentence Ups, Graphs, Graph Ups, Layers, 1-20

Graph Up (object) indicates paragraphs above the cursor; moves the cursor up by paragraph relative to the original cursor position. Examples: "3 Graph Up" moves the cursor to the third paragraph above the original cursor position, "1 Graph Up" See Also: Graph, Graphs, Letter, Word, Sentence, Screen, 1-20

Graph Ups (object) selects one or more paragraphs above the cursor, including the paragraph the cursor is in. Plural even if only one paragraph is being selected. Examples: "3 Graph Ups"; "3 Graph Ups Before"; "2 Graph Ups Delete". See Also: Rights, Lefts, Befores, Afters, Downs, Ups, Lines, Line Ups, Sentences, Sentence Ups, Graphs, Layers

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