Human-Machine Grammar Dictionary - U

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Under (object) refers to the underlined letters in menus. Keyboard Equivalent: Alternate. Examples: "Under o"; "Under t-w". See Also: Shift, Control, Alternate

Underscore 1. (action) replaces the spaces between a number of words in either or both directions with underscores. Examples: "This Underscore"; "2 Underscore"; "2 Underscore Right"; "2 4 Underscore". See Also: Compound, Hyphenate, 0-100 0-100 2. (object) hits the underscore key. Example: "Underscore Short"; "Underscore Times 5"

Undo (action) undoes the last action. Keyboard Equivalent: Control-z. Examples: "Undo That"; "Undo Times 3"; "Undo Left Backspace Return". See Also: Redo

Unselect (action) removes highlighting from an object. Examples: "This Unselect", "Unselect Left", "Unselect Right".

Up 1. (modifier) indicates direction. Examples: "Mouse 5 Up" 2. (action) hits the up-arrow key. Examples: "6 Up"; "3 Left 1 Up". See Also: Right, Left, Down, Line Ups, Graph Ups. Note: "Up" differs from "Line Up" because "Up" moves up beginning from the cursor position, while "Line Up" moves whole lines up, leaving the cursor at the beginning of a line.

Ups (object) refers to a number of selected lines up. Examples: "3 Ups"; "3 Ups Delete". Keyboard Equivalent: Shift+Up. See Also: Rights, Lefts, Befores, Afters, Downs, Line Ups, Graph Ups. Note: "Ups" differs from "Line Ups" because "Ups" selects up beginning from the cursor position while "Line Ups" selects whole lines up.

Use (action) copies the contents of the current window to another task or program. Examples: "Use WordPad"; "Use Window 1"

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