Human-Machine Grammar Dictionary - Numbers
0-100 (modifier)
1. number of keystrokes to carry
out in a row for the following keys: Backspace, Delete, Down, Enter, Left,
Page Down, Page Up, Right, Space, Up, Tab. Examples: "4 Tab"; "8 Down".
See Also: Times
1-200 2. number of objects. Examples: "3 Words" selects three
words, "7 Lines"
3. relative position. Examples: "Line 3" puts cursor
at the third line of the document, "Graph 5"
4. absolute measure,
such as size, volume, position or speed. Examples: "Window 50"; "Volume
25"; "Play 25"; "Scroll 50" moves the scroll bar to the exact middle of
the scroll bar
5. x or y coordinates for placing the mouse arrow
or scrollbar. Examples: "y 30"; "Scroll x 20"
6. indicates a choice
from a list. Example "Item 1"
7. numeric value in program-specific
menu command. Examples: "Canvas Top 200" (Photoshop), "Print 7" (Word)
indicates a homophone according to alphabetical order. Always preceded by
"Short" or "Long". See Short 1-10, Long 1-10
9. indicates lists beyond
"Long" and "Short". Used to include lists that contain different details
or are in different order. Examples: "Elements List 1"
10. Changes
a color along a sliding scale. Examples: "Blue 6"; "Blue-Green 2".
Also: Colors,
Size 1-100
0-100.9 1. number of pixels or units to drag. Examples:
"Drag 6 Down"; "Drag Point 7 Right"; "Window 5 Down"
2. numeric values
in program-specific menu commands. Examples: "Paragraph Left 1.4" (Word)
0-100 0-100 (modifier)
1. number of objects to select
on each side of the cursor. Examples: "3 4 Words"; "2 2 Lines Delete"
2. numeric values in program-specific menu commands. Example: "Image
20 40" (Photoshop).
0-100.9 by 0-100.9 (modifier) x and y coordinates for placing
the mouse. Examples: "40 by 40"; "32.3 by 32"; "40 by 30 Line"; "40 by 20
3 Words".
1-10 (modifier) pause of a number of seconds. Examples: "Down
Wait 7 Repeat 5"; "Control c Wait 5 Control a"
1st-40th (modifier) position. Examples: "2nd Graph"; "3rd
Word"; "2nd Graph 1st Line"; "3rd Word 2 Words"
1-10 Repeat 1-10 See Repeat